Thursday, October 20

Thinking of Mr. P

To help ease my anxiety and take my mind off of Mr. Porcupine and his current trauma, daddy took me to the park for a walk and to play with my tennis ball.  I may look happy on the outside, but on the inside I am very sad.  I just hope Mr. P will be okay…

Emergency! Emergency!

Someone call a doctor!!!  Mr. Porcupine has broken a seam!  Help!  Help!  My best buddy is in danger.   I don't want his stuffing to fall out!!  He needs surgery immediately!  Mommy and 911 !!

Sunday, October 16

Bath Time!

Rub-a-dub-dub...Bailey's in the tub!  After breakfast, guess where we went?  Doggie beach!  Woohoo!  Had a super-great time swimming and splashing in the waves.  Then mommy said that I had to have a bath after beach time.  Ugh...I don't like baths.  I repeat...I don't like baths.  But mommy said that I HAD to.  So here we are at the Tidy Dog salon getting my oatmeal bath.  But the best part of getting a bath, is when mommy rubs me down with the towel.  It feels good!  Feels like a back scratch or a belly rub all over!  I guess bath time isn't so bad after all.  Woof woof!

Tête à tête avec Papa

Went to Chuck's Cafe for breakfast this morning with mommy and I am having a staring contest with daddy.  I bet he'll blink his eyes before I do!  Woof woof!